The Twisted World of Accountable Freedom

Over the last weekend we had some close friends from out of town staying with us. As a family we’ve always been bordering on addiction to gregariousness. Conversations from the utterly inane to the intensely intellectual find easy acceptance in our friend circles. So during the near-ritualistic quaffing of a delicious Speyside single malt whiskey our talk veered towards impossible dreams.

While most impossible dreams featured private islands, limitless books and single malts and even socialistic endeavours, mine was one of ‘absolute freedom’. For the longest time I have been convinced that human beings have deceived themselves about the concept of freedom. Freedom as we define it comes with a plethora of terms and conditions. I like to call it ‘accountable freedom’. Accountable freedom begins at a very early age through social conditioning; and by the time we’re adults it is a way of life for most. Those who read between the lines and express their desire for absolute freedom get branded as rebels or misfits or even freaks.

Brain Cage

Think about it for 60 introspecting seconds. When was the last time you did or thought something for which you were not accountable to anyone, including your own conscience (which more often than not is a well programmed, socially conditioned machine)? The Government, school teachers, college professors, office colleagues, parents, relatives, friends, spouse(s) and even your beautiful children…everyone expects you to be accountable. You relent, partake and in fact advocate the system of accountable freedom.

While absolute freedom is an impossible dream for most, there are ways to get close to that ideal Neverland. For starters, make peace with your past. Try to actively face everything you fear or abhor, with a view to gain resolution or closure. Recall how Po faces his ultimate moment of truth and finds inner peace while encountering Shen, the peacock, in DreamWorks’ 2011 animated feature Kung Fu Panda 2.

Problem of Choice

In a world dominated by emotional, preconceived notions over a logic-based approach, external absolute freedom is a myth. But your internal journey can craft its own destiny. A path less travelled that shapes your willpower, and puts you on the road to absolute freedom. As a wise person once said, “You don’t make your choices. Your choices make you.”

Soulmate Spotlight

The sound of someone’s inimitable laughter. A feeling of intense bonding. Experiencing your thoughts, emotions and sometimes even actions emerge from another body. Feeling a warm tear slowly escape your lachrymal glands, as you get overwhelmed by pain or fear. The number of ways you can be attached to your soulmates is nearly endless.

A while ago I’d written a post about friendship titled ‘*Terms & Conditions Don’t Apply’. I got a lot of emotional calls, messages and even in-person hugs from many who understood exactly what I meant in my post. During some of my conversations with friends we happened to discuss intensely about soulmates. I’m deliberately using the plural form here because I honestly believe it is almost impossible to have a single one.

Soulmate Quote

Soulmates are like a mirror image of you. Imagine walking out of your body and observing yourself for a whole day or month from a third person’s perspective. Your best friends may or may not be your soulmates. Your spouse/partner may not necessarily be your soulmate. But your soulmates are definitely the best friends you’ll ever possess. It’s hard to distinguish but give it a calm thought and maybe you’ll figure it out.

All of us come across a sea of people every day but it’s hard to spot a soulmate. More often than not it’s purely intuition based…a bit like falling in love…you can’t plan it. Often people confuse soulmates being romantically involved, which is plain ludicrous. Your soulmates could be men, women, transgenders or from another species altogether.

So, go out into the big bad world full of positivity and have faith. Sooner or later you will bump into your soulmates. They may be people you’ve known all your life or someone you met fleetingly. And once you’re sure, don’t let go.

A Green Epiphany

Most of you know my affinity towards non-vegetarian gastronomic delights. For those who don’t, well, I’m kind of a Tyrannosaurus Rex crossed with a Nile Crocodile. Yes, non-vegetarian food is not a choice in my life. It’s a necessity; a need which I crave to satisfy in every morsel. I absolutely adore fish, chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, pork, etc. And I totally worship that blessing to mankind called an‘egg’. I called any vegetarian foodstuff ‘ghaas-poos’ (Hindi for ‘Grass’) and was of the firm opinion that it was just too boring.

Ivy Gourd

Ivy Gourd

Close to 4 years ago, while I still had enough time to work-out and run, I quit all forms of red meat on a health whim. It didn’t come easy but I was determined. The temptation to yield, when someone would order lamb chops or a juicy steak, was strong. Yet somehow I always managed to control my almost undying lust for that fine piece of red meat. To ensure that I got all my vitamins and minerals in abundance, I resorted to eating only vegetarian fare in my lunch box at my workplace. And kept the non-vegetarian extravaganza for dinner.



Today, I was discussing the contents of my lunch box (Ivy Gourd or ‘Tondli’ as we call it in Marathi, my native language) with a senior colleague. He said, “The vegetarian fare in your lunch box has a lot of energy.” I looked at him with a befuddled expression. “Compare it with any lunch box ordered from a commercial venture. You’ll realise that yours is made with love.” And he walked away. That got me thinking about my lunch box contents, more than ever.

Mixed Vegetables

Mixed Vegetables

Black Eyes Beans

Black Eyes Beans

Like Jerry Maguire, I too had an epiphany. I realised that while conditioning myself for 4 years, to forcibly eat veggies, pulses, lentils I had in fact started to like them! Okra, Ivy Gourd, Bell Peppers, Taro, Fenugreek, Spinach, Cauliflower, Potatoes, Black Eyed Beans, Green Grams, Moth Beans, Peas and a whole lot of others. And it was not because they were awesome by birth. It was the brilliant recipes, sheer hard work and love put in by the women in my life – my grandmothers, my mother, my maid and my wife.

Green Gram

Green Gram

I’m deeply obliged and grateful to them for making me realise that ‘ghaas-poos’ can actually be wonderful, if prepared with the right mix of ingredients, effort and love. Finally, I have opened my eyes to the fact that the grass can be lush and green on both sides (pun intended).